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Travel & Profiles

Fogo Island


“It’s a place that inspires deep, deep devotion. The only Newfie joke Zita tells? ‘How do you spot the Newfoundlander in heaven? He’s moaning and groaning he wants to go home. They always want to come home. We always want to come
home. Some of us are lucky enough to come home."

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On a High Note


“So that is now, and this was then: She’s like a traveller clicking through a slide show from a strange trip in her past. Serena cautiously offers snapshots of her life two years ago: lying in bed, not knowing whether she’s asleep or watching
TV. Afraid to leave the house. So frightened by her desire to end it all that she ends up in the psych ward of a hospital.”

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Don't Worry, She's Happy


“We all know the backstory: a handsome star, an accidental overdose, a beautiful woman in mourning, a sweet blond baby. It was the lurid stuff of tabloid editors’ dreams, and, years later, Michelle Williams is still affected by what they’ve put her through.”

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Debra Messing


“If you watched Will & Grace, Debra in person is a bit of a surprise. There is no frantic hand-waving, no teeth-gnashing, no wailing. Now 43, Debra is calm in the way you think maybe you’d be if you started doing yoga all the time. She speaks slowly, carefully, confidently. But when the quick smile and the head-thrown-back laugh appear, you get a happy sense of, “oh — I know her!” a fleeting glimpse of a much-missed friend.”

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